Why (Not)?

I just decided to put what I have out there.  From the random assortment of subjects, maybe you’ll stumble upon (an) image(s) of interest ... and poke around some more … that’s all it is!  The photos date from the early 70’s, and 80’s, plus some 90’s into the 00’s and beyond for continuity here and there.  Mostly snapshots of street scenes (with and without people), often but not exclusively set in Chicago, home for many awesomely great years.  Documenting urban change just sort of started organically, morphing sideways into a career as a Civil/Structural Engineer, from which I recently retired. Photography has continued (when convenient or necessary) as a life skill with occasional moments of inspiration.

I tried to frame images from what and/or who appeared in front of me. People are often integral and essential components … no intent to offend or otherwise exploit. Technical approach is Simplicity: mostly 35mm film (black and white, color slides) with rangefinder and SLR until the mid 90’s, point-and-shoot on print film until mid 2000’s. Digital since, with point-and-shoot and phone. Vintage B&W Prints and color slides have been digitized over the past three+ years.

The archives of urban transitions in Chicago during the early 80’s are sequenced chronologically as best I recall.  Although far from comprehensive, it’s what I have to offer as a resource to Urban archaeologists, historians, and anyone interested in such things.

I intend to post additional images when they are sufficiently processed, so please stay tuned.

Often and as sometimes explicitly noted, I lost track of people and/or places and/or dates … if you recognize yourself, someone, someplace or sometime more specifically, please send a note if you can … it will help me refine the caption (or maintain your privacy) accordingly.  

While I’m at it, here’s a link to my only other known online presence: Kopp, Jonathan : Photographic Archive : The University of Chicago (uchicago.edu)

Thanks again for looking, jk